It may not come as a shock to you (especially if you know me or you have read my about page) that I love animals! I have my own little menagerie and, before Bob came along, they were my babies! They still are now but Bob is on a higher pedestal. 😉
The other day, in broad daylight, a fox came and took my two Indian Runner Ducks, Jemima and Billie. Now some of you might think that I am silly to be upset over ducks but I’m gutted. People might tell me to replace them but I could never get any that were the same! They were so tame! I raised them from their eggs, they lived in my kitchen for 4 months and they used to sit with us on the settee!
Bille had a funny waddle and because of this I thought that she was a boy to begin with. Originally she was called Bill. She walked with her tail dragging on the grass, which made it curl. (Boys have curly tails.)
I couldn’t wait until Bob was old enough to collect their eggs with me. We could have gone out with a little basket each morning. They were great layers and their eggs were amazing! Fabulous for baking!
Also, I don’t think that I would dare to get anymore in case the same thing happened again. We have a very high fence and they were put in a brick built outhouse at night. I really didn’t expect them to be taken in the middle of the afternoon.
Again, some of you may think that I have a screw loose, but I wanted to share with you some of the photos that I have of them. I supposed if you think that I am crazy you have already stopped reading so that’s fine.
RIP Jemima and Billie! You will be missed!
I’m with you completely.
We have cats and snakes, and they are all very special in their own ways!
Thank you! Glad it’s not just me.
:0( I loved you and your eggs R.I.P xx
They loved you too Auntie Em! x
Oh Charlotte – they’re cuties and will be so badly missed. I hope one day you can have some more. I still worry about our chickens even though we are in a built up area! Couldn’t you get some electric fencing to put round so you can have some? That would burn old Basil’s tail!!! Serve him right! xx
We had some but when Bob started walking we turned it off! Think he would have jumped over it anyway. x
rip jemima and billie, they were very lovely ducks! foxes are mean! i’m sure it would’ve jumped over the fence anyway, bless them they had a lovely life in your garden xx
Thanks hon! x
I’m sorry to hear about your ducks, you must be devastated 🙁