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If you have a family, you probably think about the future on a daily basis. As parents, it’s natural to want to provide the best for your children and ensure that they are happy, healthy and safe. If you’re looking for ways to protect your family’s future, here are some ideas.

money doesn't grow on trees

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Savings and budgeting

If you don’t already draw up a budget for the month ahead, start now. Budgeting is an excellent way to keep track of your finances and work out how much money you have available each month. Even if you think you have a handle on your spending, your monthly outgoings may vary and it’s easy to come unstuck. Use an online budget tool or stick to good old-fashioned pen and paper. Note down your anticipated monthly income and then everything that is due to go out in the coming weeks. Include all your direct debits and then add any one-off costs you expect to incur. If you’re going on holiday, for example, you may need to factor this into your spending plans. Keep your budget up to date as you go through the month. Work out how much you can afford to save each month and set up a direct debit to your savings account.

You may also wish to consider setting up accounts for your children. Creating a nest egg could provide them with the support they need to go to college or put a deposit on a house, for example. You can either contribute to the accounts on a regular basis or transfer a lump sum, for example on your child’s birthday.

Take a look at your insurance policies

Insurance policies offer protection against all kinds of unexpected incidents and eventualities. You protect your car and your home, but have you thought about taking out critical illness cover or life insurance? Critical illness cover is a means of protection against the financial implications of serious illness. If you have to give up work after being diagnosed with a severe health problem, a payout will help to cover living costs. Nobody likes to think about dying, but if you have children, it’s wise to invest in life insurance. Hopefully, you’ll live a very long and happy life. But if this isn’t the case, life insurance payments could help to secure your children’s financial future. If you search for life insurance policies, you’ll find that hundreds of options come up. Thanks to the Internet and sites like Gocompare, you can now compare providers and policies instantly. Look for a plan, which suits your budget and offers a suitable level of cover.

If you’re thinking about the years to come, now is a good time to lay the foundations for a stable, happy family life. You never know what’s around the corner, but planning ahead will give you peace of mind. Look into savings accounts and think about taking out life insurance. If you’re not sure where to begin looking, search online or seek advice from an insurance adviser.

 Posted by Charlotte on May 9, 2016 Uncategorized  Add comments

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