Bob never liked to sleep. I don’t think she managed to sleep through the night until she was almost 4. I used to spend time on Twitter, chatting to people in similar situations across the globe.
Unfortunately, I think that Bow may be trying to follow on his sister’s footsteps. He is better at sleeping than she was at this age but he is very unsettled from 2am. I think that he thinks that 2am is a reasonable time to get up and he constantly tries to wake up from this time. He rubs his eyes, pulls his dummy out and tries his best to say, ‘Morning!’
I still go on Twitter but there have been a lot of social media developments in the last 4 years and I now have several forms of distraction at silly o’ clock. Here is how I spend the night.
I love Pinterest and it is great for party planning! We are currently planning Bob’s 5th birthday party. She loves Ariel so she is going to have an Under The Sea themed party. I spend hours searching Pinterest finding ideas for games and food. I am hoping to top Bob’s last birthday but I think I outdid myself with the Disney Princess themed food and I am not sure I can beat that.
Instagram is fab! I love photography and this social media platform is all about photos. It is a lovely way to follow people and keep up to date without having to listen to the doom and gloom posts that can be found on facebook.
Online Games
I am addicted to Pet Rescue Saga at the moment. The little animals are so cute! I am also enjoying freeing the gummy bears in the new Candy Crush. This makes me want to eat jelly sweets though, which is probably not the best idea at 2am. I also enjoy playing mobile bingo games. I was surprised at how busy the games were in the middle of the night. It is nice to have company and a chance of winning something.
Jigsaw Apps
I am also addicted to jigsaws! I have done a couple of ‘real life’ jigsaws but these are quite tricky. It is hard to find hands free time and Bob likes to ‘help’ me. I have an app on my iPad where I can complete jigsaws with 400 pieces and it is a great distraction!
If you have any ideas on how to spend my sleepless nights please let me know. Maybe we could arrange a virtual party or have midnight tea instead of scones in an afternoon. 🙂
Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post.
I feel for you, mine have both been terrible sleepers! My son was the worst and it was before I even had a smartphone! I remember reading books and I did use the PC, from memory I was browsing the Mumsnet forums trying to find help and advice as to why he wouldn’t sleep! I had my first smartphone when my daughter was little and so I spent time on Twitter, I had yet to discover Pinterest or else I think that is where I would have mainly spent my time! Thanks for sharing the link to the jigsaw puzzle app, it looks great. I hope this time for you passes soon, at the time it seemed like it would go on forever but fortunately I’m only up in the night once or twice a week now and just for a few minutes!
I can’t imaging my nights without a smart phone! I don’t know what I’d do! Glad nights are better for you now. I am looking forward to sleeping through! x
I spend most of my time on Instagram and Twitter but once I am settled with some hosting/ layout bits on my blog I need to get into Pinterest to get some good ideas for crafting x
I do not yet have kids so when I have sleepless nights I watch Korean movies lol but these are good ways to pass time
I never have time to go online the way i used to. I try to do this as much as possible but am spending more time and energy doing some offline things. Instagram is fun though and i like pinterest.
I think I may need to follow in your footsteps. Life can be too virtual. x
I love pinterest too, I spend hours on there and get lost in time, haha. I also love instagram… When I can’t sleep I look at cat pictures.. Thousands of them because.. I am crazy about cats, haha. When I can’t sleep, I usually read and if that fails… Instagram and pinterest it is! xx
Cats are very relaxing! Sounds much better than counting sheep! 🙂 x
I also love jigsaw apps, I would love to be able to just sit and do a jigsaw, but never find the time x
I know exactly how you feel as I am a terrible sleeper and often find myself online especially social media
Great ideas! Luckily mine were all good sleepers – I find if I go on social media before I go to sleep it is me who is awake half the night! Kaz x
I a, sometimes guilty of that too. The children are fast asleep and I get engrossed! x
I am addicted to a game called Panda Pops, and I shared it with my mum and sister and they too are now addicted. if you give it a go let me know how you get on
I am off to download it now! Thank you! 🙂 x
Enjoy, and if you find it as maddeningly addictive as I have I am sorry XX
My sleepless nights ended up with me with my ipod on listening to books.
I really feel for you. Broken sleep is rubbish but at least there are plenty of things at our fingertips to get us through. Instagram is one of my favs too