I have already started Christmas shopping and I have got most of Bob’s presents. There is just one thing that I am struggling with though.
Since starting school Bob is constantly writing letters on bits of paper. I want to encourage this as it is great that she is interested in learning but she is using so much paper. I thought she would love a whiteboard as she enjoys using them at school.
I started searching and found that there are several out there. I decided to get her a magnetic white board with magnetic letters and numbers. I then found that some of these come in a case which I thought would be very handy as otherwise the letters would end up getting lost.
I found the perfect one! It was a carry case that opened up to become a little easel. One side was a blackboard and one was a white board. It had magnetic letters, numbers and mathematic signs and it came with chalks and marker pens. I went to order it and it was out of stock. I was not impressed!
I searched and searched but I could not find another one that was as good. Some have a case but only have a blackboard. Others are black and white boards but do not have a case. I am hoping that the one I want to buy for her will come back into stock soon!
It can be frustrating when you know what you want to buy but can’t find the product! This regularly happens to me! My husband used to hate our Meadowhall trips as you could guarantee I wouldn’t be able to find what I was looking for. We even struggled to find white sandals one summer!
My Voucher Codes have created a Christmas Gift Finder to help you to locate the perfect present.
This is a collaborative post.
What a fab idea, I like that you can search so many places! I really hope your little easle carry case comes back into stock in time!
I am almost done with buying Christmas Presents. Just got a few left to get. Exciting times.
Ooohh, what a good idea for a present. My Toddler loves drawing and I haven’t got her main present yet so I’m pinching this idea. X
this sounds like a fab idea, I will have to check this out
That’s such a great idea, I love to save money, especially at Christmas!
We never buy anything full price, there’s always a bargain to be found:-)
How handy is this! I still have a few presents to buy and will be popping over now to have a look for the best prices!
The Christmas Gift Finder is such a fantastic idea! I may have to use it
Oooh this sounds like a fab idea, I will have to check this out x