
When Bob was a baby she hated being in the car. Everyone told us that if your baby didn’t sleep a ride in a car would fix the problem. Not with Bob! From the moment we got in the car until we arrived at our destination she screamed. She screamed and she screamed and she screamed!

Many times I have had to pull over as I couldn’t concentrate on driving with all the screaming. I would sit at the side of the road wondering how on earth I would get home.

We ended up putting Bob’s car seat in the front which helped the problem and it also meant we could reassure her when she became upset.

Now she is older she is usually quite good on a journey but once she fell asleep shortly after we set off, woke up 10 minutes later and screamed for the rest of the trip. It was awful!

If we have a long journey coming up I cross everything that Bob will be alright! I make sure we pack plenty of snacks and drinks and I let Bob choose some DVDs to watch on the journey. She usually chooses 4 or 5 and then ends up watching the same one over and over again. We watched the Bee Movie on loop all the way to Bluestone and back. The journey was 5 and a half hours each way!


Bob also likes listening to music and singing along. We usually play a Disney CD and, again, we have to listen to Sebastian the Crab on loop.

We also play car games but Bob does tend to get bored easily. I have had to make up a few games to try and keep her entertained.

As well as playing I Spy we also play ‘I hear with my little ear, something that sounds like…’ and ‘I can see a rainbow all around me but which is the colour I’m going to see? This colour begins with a…’ If you make up a rhyme for it Bob will play it!

We also play the song game. When it is your turn you have to hum or la a tune for the other people to guess. At first Bob wasn’t very good at this. All her songs sounded the same but they were funny to listen to! Now you can tell what she is humming and the game works.


APH have done some research to find out Britain’s Biggest Travel Stresses. I was surprised not to see Bob’s name on the list. 🙂

Collaborative Post

 Posted by Charlotte on May 21, 2015 Uncategorized  Add comments

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