This post was written on the 13th April

This weekend has been quite stressful as we have moved house. I probably did a bit more than I should have but it was hard to watch everyone else helping us and not join in.


I was careful and I dragged and kicked boxes along rather than lifted them. Even so, I managed to hurt my arm.


I was putting our books on the bookshelf when my forearm started really hurting. This continued for the rest of the day and by that evening My wrist and shoulder were also really painful! Paracetamol did nothing and I hoped it would be better in the morning. It was slightly better but after a bit more unpacking I was in agony again.

I remember something similar happening with my left arm when I was pregnant with Bob. I went to see the doctor and he told me that it was something to do with ligaments and how they change during pregnancy. I am not sure why it happens. It may just be another one of those wonderful pregnancy symptoms!

It is still hurting now but I am powering through and using my left arm for most things. I have my 16 week appointment with the midwife tomorrow and I am looking forward to hearing my baby’s heartbeat!


I have put together all of the photos until now in a collage to see my growing bump. To see this and links to all of my posts so far visit my Pregnancy Diaries.

 Posted by Charlotte on June 3, 2015 Pregnancy & Childbirth  Add comments

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