I have been meaning to show you the Lightening McQueen cake that I made for my friend’s son for his birthday. It was quite some time ago and I have just found the photos on my computer.
I love making cakes! The cakes I make are usually ‘ordinary’ shapes with the fancy bits made out of icing on the top. This is because I don’t trust myself to make a shaped cake.
Unless you are making a fruit cake you can only bake the cake a couple of days before the event. If I already have my topper ready I don’t panic as much. If I had to create the whole thing in a couple of days I know something would go wrong!
I was quite impressed with my Lightening McQueen cake. It took a lot of time and lots of icing but I liked the result.
I made this cake a couple of years ago and my cake making has improved since then. I now make my cakes much deeper and the last one that I made for my friend’s christening impressed me and I am my own worst critic!
That was until I saw the amazing cakes that Adam Cox makes! He is obviously not worried about making the whole thing in a couple of days! The details in his cakes are amazing! I am very jealous! His Mater cake puts my Lightening McQueen attempt to shame!
Adam is a cake maker to the stars and he has worked with various celebrities including Ralph Lauren, Jonathan Ross and Ronnie Wood. My mum will be very jealous, she is a big Stones fan!
Adam also offers cake making classes! I would love to attend these in the hope that one day my cakes could be a quarter as good as his!