Feb 242016

I wanted to write a ‘1 Month Old’ post but the weeks have flown by and you are 6 weeks old before I know it!

1 month old looking excited

You have already changed so much! You smiled your first real smiles last week and now we can all usually be found talking gobble de gook to you to try and get you to smile again. You regularly oblige.

Over the last couple of days you have had many a tale to tell. You look at us and ooo and aaa as if you have something very interesting to say. I wish I understood.

1 month old looking like he's dancing

You are already grabbing everything in reach. I often have to untangle your little fists from my hair and my necklace. I don’t think it will be long before I give up on jewellery and start tying my hair up.

We have started going to baby massage classes. You wanted feeding all of the time at our first class so we didn’t get much massaging done but better luck next time.

1 month old looking amazed

You are a greedy little man in the daytime but you are already going 3 hours between feeds during the night. We are feeling very spoilt as your sister wanted to feed every half an hour at your age. Now if we could only get you to sleep between feeds.

You have only been around for such a small amount of time but already we can’t imagine our lives without you! Being a family of 4 seems so perfect! Thank you for making us complete!

1 month old looking like superman

I am using artistic license with the photograph. I know he’s 6 weeks old, you know he’s 6 weeks old but I want to be able to put his monthly photos together at the end of the year. He is not yet 2 months so I figured I could get away with it.

 Posted by Charlotte on February 24, 2016 Baby Development  Add comments

  9 Responses to “6 Weeks Old”


    oh my goodness, so cute! Lovely pictures and update. I’m so broody haha x


    So cute Im getting broody again lol II want to wait a bit longer to have another though.


    He’s gorgeous, such a little cutie, and I agree, close enough – although I can tell he’s over 4 weeks 😀 I love the Archer thing they do, I was sad when my youngest grew out of that 🙂


    It’s terrifying how fast they grow! I wish I had done this when my girls were smaller so I had a photo from each month.


    Oh my gosh what an absolute peach. He’s so adorable. They grow so quickly – I used to get upset every time one of mine grew out of an outfit i loved haha xx


    Such a lovely update and photos, clever boy for smiling and reaching out already!xx


    What a cutie pie! And yay for the first smiles, I still remember Abbie’s first one around the same age, it was the best thing ever :). x


    It goes by so quick. What a lovely update and such cute photos!!! Xx


    Beautiful tribute to a special baby. So cute and brought back precious memories now I am in the tween and teen period of parenting. My advice for what it is worth – parent your way, blog your way and look forward to the future where jewellery is concerned as they will grab at shiny things. Enjoy these lovely days of memory-making

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