As you learn how to do more our photo shoots get even more tricky. Now as well as eating the blackboard you want to roll around and crinkle up the blanket. I lie you down, ask you to smile, you look at me cheekily and then roll over. 🙂
You are still a little wobbly when it comes to sitting up. You are more stable than you were but I have to make sure you are surrounded by cushions so that you don’t bump your head.
We started weaning 2 weeks ago and you are not a fan. Your sister loved food! I made all my own baby food and she are everything. I thought that I would do the same with you but you do not like my cooking. You love your milk too much! Now you are 6 months we have started to try baby led weaning. You enjoy playing with the food but I am not sure how much you are eating.
You have graduated from the baby bath and your sister is thrilled. Bath time has never been more fun! We have also started going to baby swimming lessons. You were unsure at first but now you love it! You get so excited when we get into the pool and you wave your hands and splash us both.
I wanted to have a mini photo shoot once a month until you were one but unfortunately you are growing up far too quickly! These are the photos from the last photo shoot we had when you were 6 months old and now, in the blink of an eye, you are 9 months old. I have no idea where the time has gone!
I am disappointed that we didn’t continue our mini photo shoots but luckily I take photos on a daily basis so we have lots of everyday photographs to look at.
You can see our other photo shoots here.
Brand New
1 Month Old
2 Months Old
3 Months Old
4 Months Old
5 Months Old
Aww such a cutie. I love writing up my son’s updates and reading others.
This is such a lovely read, and gorgeous photos too!
Milly | Mini Adventures
Aw bubba is so cute and I love the idea of using the blackboard for the six month update. Bubba has the cheekiest smile.
Oh my goodness this is like the cutest update – Happy 6s months! x
Way too sweet. Love this update very unique and written beautifully. x
This is so cute! I love when people do baby photo shoots, it’s so funny to see the moments you end up capturing during. Happy 6 months
Adorable photos! I love how you’ve been going to baby swimming lessons! Always great to get the little ones in the water at such a young age 🙂
What a little cutie!! I love them at that age As everything becomes an adventure and things to learn. Fabulous photos too x
Aw what a little cutie! Those arm rolls are adorable!! XD
My sister keeps asking if he has elastic bands around his wrists. x
Gorgeous photos though even though missed 3 months of it. Still treasure them. I managed to do a photo a month of herself with the milestone cards but it was getting tricky.