May 242016

Our bed isn’t big enough! It may be a king size but, some nights, I don’t even have enough space to put my arms down by my sides.

Bow still sleeps in our bed. We have a Next 2 Me crib attached to the side of our bed but he is getting a bit big for it and he is much more settled in our bed. He usually ends up in with us and Bob knows this. Occasionally she asks if she can sleep in our bed too. She happily goes back in her own bed the following night and I would hate for her to get jealous so I am happy for her to sleep with us. It’s nice to have snuggles with my baby girl.

That being said, it is quite crowded. Michael usually wakes up hanging out of bed and I am bent into a strange shape between Bob and Bow. The children sleep really well but Michael and I wake up feeling like we have just run a marathon.

We need a bigger bed! I have wanted to buy one for a while and there are some great reduced faux leather beds at Bed SOS. If only our bedroom was big enough to put 2 king sizes side by side, that would be amazing! Unfortunately I don’t think that will be possible so a Super King will have to do.

As squished as it is I love having my babies in bed with me. I know there will come a time when they don’t want to cuddle up to mummy or daddy and even a time when they are embarrassed when I give them a kiss. Bob already needs reminding to give me a kiss before she runs into school. Sometimes I have to make do with a kiss blown over her shoulder. I am not looking forward to them being embarrassed by me. They will always be my babies no matter how cool they become!

Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post.

 Posted by Charlotte on May 24, 2016 Uncategorized  Add comments

  2 Responses to “4 In A Bed”


    I had my 3 year old in my bed the other night and I didn’t get a wink of sleep! I’ve got so used to having the bed to myself that when I have mine in with me I can’t sleep with a foot in my mouth and listening to snoring all night, haha! Sounds like a cute set up in yours though x

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